Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Challenge Week 12

Ok gang ... we are in the homestretch now! Looking forward - I've opened the Super Spring Slimdown which you can register for here. It's just 6 short weeks - I've moved weigh-ins to Fridays and eliminated all monetary prizes. If we work hard, we'll be good to go by Memorial Day!

As we wind down our competition - let's finish strong! Eat your food sitting down at a table, and from a plate. Food eaten out of packages and while standing is forgettable. You can wind up eating lots more than if you sit down and consciously enjoy your meals.

Check out MizFit Online for tips on weight loss maintenance ...

Looking forward to the Spring Slimdown - Take a peek at Experts Reveal: 15 Small Diet Changes for Big Weight Loss. Each tip contains a link to that expert's strategy. Do some research, you might find your next program!!!

This week? Think of a shortcut you can share on our next challenge - something that will save us time, money or calories - it will be the price of admission to Super Spring Slimdown!

Just when I thought we had covered everything ... check out these Weight Loss Tools from Exercise4WeightLoss!

This week I ask you to serve as your own advisor. I hope signing up for the challenge was worth it in some way, large or small - there are a few people in our group who have lost over 20 pounds - not bad in three months. Please consider signing up for the next challenge - whether it's to keep the momentum going, to get it back, to get a do-over, to work harder or to stay in the loop - I know being in this together has certainly helped me stay on point!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Challenge Week 11

Like life, this week was good news/bad news for me!! The good news is that I am officially out of the boot, the bad news is ... I'm actually less active as I re-learn to use those muscles again. Only lost a pound : ( But, I'm staying focused - was able to walk a mile on the "skinny spare" today!

I love this sight ... found it on Pinterest! - I think it's worth a look at. I was lured here by these Healthy Baked Chicken Nuggets!

Looking to drop those last few pounds? Try these:
From Men's Health: The Sparticus Workout
From Women's Health: How to Lose the Last 5, 10 or 15 Pounds

Since no one's taking my challenges, I'm not spending too much time on them - LOL. I challenge you to start thinking ahead. I'll be setting up the Spring Slim Down to start up the week after we are done here!

Health, Fitness and Medical Smartphone Apps Reviews
Which Apps Are the Best Apps for You? This week, I'm letting do all the work!

This week's advice comes from Bruno Mars' appearance on Sesame Street in November - Check it out: Don't Give Up! Be sure to stick around Will.I.Am follows him up!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Challenge Week 9

It's makeover week - just like on Biggest Loser!! LOL ... originally, I had planned that once I lost some weight I would take myself clothes shopping, turns out I can do some of that shopping in my own closet now ... I am so psyched! Although it's been so long since this stuff fit me, I wonder if it's still (or ever was!) fashionable!!

In any event, it's been 8 weeks ... so why not treat yourself a little bit, for me it will be highlights and a trim. I always say a good haircut is like a good knife - the right one does most of the work for you!

Ever wonder what the fat and calorie content of your favorite home-made meals are? Ugh ... maybe it’s time to give your recipes and cooking habits a makeover. Try these helpful substitution tips to trade up on the health of your recipes without giving up on flavor or texture! Weight Watchers 24 genius cooking-light tips give your favorite recipes a truly healthy makeover! And the Mayo Clinic offers Recipe makeovers: 5 ways to create healthy recipes - both are great reads.

Not quite ready for makeover week? Check out Fitness Magazines 21-Day Total-Body Makeover Workout or, from Men's Health: Look Good at Any Age

This week, I'm turning the tables. I challenge you to challenge us this week. Please log on and post your suggestions for a great class or workout to try!!!

In the spirit of Makeover Week: If you are interested in trying out a new look … check out these Top 5 Virtual Makeover Websites and Apps

So, we've made over our bodies, our wardrobes, our hair and makeup, and our recipes - what's next? ... My guest columnist for this week was unable to join us, so I did some research on anti-aging products and potential procedures which could help us fine-tune our new looks - but in my own twisted way, that turned out to be more depressing than catching my reflection in a car window. I didn't know what to do, so I asked Oprah and she told me 11 Ways to Feel Beautiful!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Challenge Week 8

If you are like me you have, at least at one point in your life, looked for the easy way out - the quick fix, the magic pill, the effortless exercise machine - to make us thin without the hard work! The result is usually the same - a roller coaster of weight gain and loss. Reading our advice column this week was both informative and scary. It reminds us that it's important to look at significant weight loss as a lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

Below are a couple of exerpts from Darya Pino's nutrition website, Summer Tomato. If you are looking for help making a lifestyle change regarding your eating habits, this is an awesome place to start.

Health is our greatest resource and though it sometimes seems elusive, anyone can achieve it. Long-term health and weight loss are within your reach, but you can’t rely on a short-term plan to get you there.

Nutrition science is not as nebulous as the media would lead you to believe and healthy living is not as difficult or time consuming as you might think. Your daily food choices are by far the most important factors in your long-term personal health, and upgrading your healthstyle can add more than a decade of quality years to your life.

Summer Tomato was named one of TIME’s 50 Best Websites of 2011.

It's time to ban the yo-yo workouts as well ... what am I talking about?

For the man's perspective check out YoYo Workouts and the Fitness Lifestyle from Hall of the Black Dragon. Warning - enter at your own risk ... generally speaking, I liked the site, but I didn't go into the girly links either. You perverts are on your own!!! LOL

Ladies ... Oprah claims you can counteract the effects of lapsing and relapsing with these Ten_Minute Workouts

Well, don't tell Dr. Brouillet, but I walked a mile today in the boot and feel pretty good. I'm thinking about heading to Brickhouse Ellicott City for a Zumba class on Friday! (in the boot, of course!)

Now, I don't have a great app for this week - for a lifestyle change I would recommend looking for a Weight Watchers download. But, after reading Juan's article below, I will encourage all of you to use the internet for good instead of evil. If someone is selling you on a get-thin-quick program ... it's time to go online and do some research. Check out the Wikipedia page on Kevin Trudeau.

I met Juan Ponte when he volunteered to work out Turkey Trot 5K at Centennial HS this fall. He is a nutritionist and owner of Columbia Max Muscle. We got to talking about the best ways to lose weight and he agreed to help us with our challenge.

A recent fad in the weight-loss industry is the HCG Diet - a program that combines low calore diets with hormone injections to promote weight loss. At first glance it sounds perfect, but buyer beware - if there were a quick and easy fix, we'd all have it by now.

Juan shares with us this article dispelling the myths of this program and offering us some reviews on some pretty good programs to help us reach our goals.

If you visit Juan at Columbia Max Muscle, tell him I sent you and you'll receive a 15% discount on any purchase!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Challenge Week 7

Hopefully, Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras have not done us in! Throw in a funeral and a birthday and you'll know why, scale-wise, I'm grateful to have gotten the cast off!!! February is American Heart Month, so this week we'll take our ticker into consideration!

But it was Mardi Gras … I know, we can find an excuse every week, and I'll admit, I was distracted by's "Can There be a Po'Boy Diet?" Luckily for me, our topic is a Healthy Heart, so I'll have to save Mardis Gras until my journey here is done! A heart-healthy diet should be low in sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat — but that doesn't mean it has to be low in taste. And eating out shouldn't always be such a challenge. Guess which Baltimore restaurant in Little Italy made it onto Gayot's, coiner of the term Nouvelle Cuisine, Top 10 Heart-Healthy Restaurants in the United States?

I love the Mayo clinic, chock full of great information! Check out:
Aerobic exercise: Top 10 reasons to get physical
Regardless of age, weight or athletic ability, aerobic exercise is good for you. Regular aerobic activity — such as walking, bicycling or swimming — can help you live longer and healthier. Need motivation? See how aerobic exercise affects your heart, lungs and blood flow. Then get moving and start reaping the rewards.

Hiking, Hot Yoga, Boxing and Belly Dancing not your thing? This week's challenge is simple, and it's one of the easiest things you can do for your heart - Get a Cholesteral Check!

Are you serious about your heart health? Well, there’s an app for that. In fact, there are a lot of heart-related apps out there. Here are a few that caught the St. Vincent Heart Center's attention. Apps For Your Heart!

Dr. Oz's Keys to a Healthy Heart
Do you know how to spot a heart attack weeks before it happens? Now you will, with this at-a-glance guide .... Dr. Oz offers some great information that you may not already know, definitely worth a read.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Challenge Week 6

Happy Valentine's Week! Is it possible to romanticize our weight loss journeys? This week we'll explore ways to make our partnerships work to our advantage ... Don't let the titillating titles of our links and articles fool you - there is some good reading here.

This Valentine's Day (Week) let's eat slowly, chew every bite and savor the taste of the food. It takes a little time for your stomach to inform you brain that you are satisfied, so try resting your fork between bites and swallowing before picking it back up. As an added bonus, eating more slowly will allow for better conversation between you and your sweetheart, and will allow time for a little more romantic eye-gazing.

Don't let your love life derail your plans to get fit this year. With these workout ideas for couples, you and your partner can spend quality time together while you stay on track to reaching your goals! Read more ...

Workout Ideas for Couples - Put Your Love to the Fitness Test
Exercises for Couples - Here are three exercises that you and your better half can do together — because it's always better when you finish at the same time!

Wanna try something new and slightly scandalous? How about Belly Dancing at BFunk Studio in Ellicott City on Friday night! Let me know, we can check it out!

Luckily, I didn't have to browse any "adult" app store to find Fitness 4 Couples - an app designed for exercising with a partner!!!

There has got to be a correlation between fitness and sexuality, wouldn't you think? Since none of my athletic experts wished to comment on this aspect of our challenge, I decided to turn to the internet for truth and guidance ... LOL !! After reading a scary story on about how abdominal fat turns testosterone to estrogen in men, I was lucky enough to find a great site called which is dedicated to healthy coupledom! Here's what they had to say about how exercise can benefit your romantic quality time:

Not only does exercise leave you feeling energized and looking better, but it can actually lead to enhanced arousal for women. And men with regular fitness routines are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than are men who don’t exercise.

Check out their article 7 Sexy Reasons Your Marriage Needs Exercise for more!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Challenge Week 5

Okay - so we are a month in. I figure you are either going like gangbusters or are stalled ... some of you are posting some great numbers, keep up the good work. For those of us that are stalled (I cannot get over how much I miss being able to walk - I will never complain about getting back into shape again!) The key is to not give up! Read on my friends and lets keep this going ...

Face the facts. Read labels and get nutrition information on your favorite foods from the restaurants you frequent. Upon request, most restaurants should be able to provide you with written nutritional information including the calorie, sodium, saturated fat and carbohydrate content of menu items. For weight loss your meal should be no more than 350-600 calories—including drinks, appetizers, and desserts! Check it out. Salad anyone?

The easiest way to get into shape is to walk - and man, have we had the weather for it! A few years ago I did the 10,000 steps a day challenge and it was awesome. Like the idea, but feel intimidated by the number of steps and the distance? Check out The Walking Site for tips on how to get started and boost your numbers each week!

Let's get moving! Take the 10,000 Steps Challenge! Put on your pedometer and log your steps for the week. I'll be posting mine on the blog ...

The iStore and Android Market have tons of pedometer apps to help you in your 10,000 steps a day program - log on and check them out.

Couch to 5K - want to do more than walk, use this app to turn yourself from couch potato to 5K participant in just 8 or 9 weeks!

While researching apps I found this site from Australia outlining small changes you can make everyday to better your health. To make it even more fun, use an Aussi accent while reading it! Good on ya! Swap It, Don't Stop It

Dr. George Brouillet is truly one of my favorite people in the world. He is an Orthopedic Surgical genius and all-around good guy. Here is his advice on getting into shape at "our age" ...

There are several basic truths about exercise, especially for one who is starting to exercise for the first time, or after an extensive hiatus. Most important is that the exercise is fun. If one doesn't enjoy it, one will stop. Select activities that meet your needs and your ability and willingness to continue with them. Second, begin slowly. Pushing too hard or too fast will result in injury or burnout. Getting into shape is not about competition, it's about the process. Third, recognize that conditioning is separated into three types of exercise. Flexibility, strength, and endurance. Some forms of exercise address more than one of these, but no single exercise addresses all three. Create a program that works on each of these goals. Vary the routine, workout with others, allow the body to recover between workouts, and HAVE FUN!

George Brouillet M.D.
Chief of Surgery
Kernan Hospital
Team Physician, Centennial Eagles